The foundation of all happiness is good health.

Each of us is born with the desire to realise control over our own lives, and our physical, mental and emotional health rely on us achieving it. We believe we play an intimate and crucial role by providing the support that helps our patients to live more fulfilling lives, every day.

Chinese medicine is a complete medical system that has been practised for nearly 3000 years and comprises acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, Chinese remedial massage (tui na), medical qi gong, Chinese herbs and Chinese dietary therapy.

The principles of Chinese medicine are underpinned by balancing the functions of the body, mind and spirit and restoring health with the use of fine needles inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body and auxiliary therapies.

Treatment is focused towards addressing the root of the imbalance, in conjunction with treating the manifestation of symptoms. This holistic approach supports the relief of physical symptoms or pain, strengthening of the immune system, and balancing, harmonising and integrating the functions of the internal organs to improve health conditions.

What can Acupuncture and Chinese medicine treat?

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist with relieving symptoms of a vast range of issues, including but not limited to mental health, neurological, digestive, respiratory, gynaecological, reproductive, urogenital, hormonal, dermatologic, musculoskeletal conditions and general wellbeing.

Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture regulates the flow of Qi (vital energy) through channels that traverse the entire body. During Acupuncture treatment very thin, sterile, single-use, stainless steel needles are inserted into precise points on the body to activate the body’s innate healing response.

Adjunctive Chinese medicine Therapies

Gua Sha is the practice of using a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin. This invigorates blood flow by stretching the connective tissue resulting in the reduction of pain and tension in the treated area.

Tui Na is a treatment combining massage, acupressure and manipulation of the body to promote the free flow of Qi and move blockages for better health and vitality.

Cupping is the application of heated air in a glass jar placed onto the skin which creates suction. This warms and activates flow in the acupuncture channels thereby releasing toxins and dispelling obstruction to reduce pain and swelling.

Moxibustion is a technique where a herb is burnt over various points of the body to build the immune system and enhance the therapeutic effects of treatment.

Electro Acupuncture uses a small electrical current between acupuncture needles to augment regular acupuncture to reduce musculoskeletal pain.

Chinese Dietary Therapy recognises that individuals have different constitutions and issues which require unique dietary solutions and that by adjusting the structure and content of the diet, imbalances can be corrected.

Chinese Herbal Medicines are a key component of traditional Chinese medicine which have been used to restore health and balance in the body for centuries. High quality, ethical Chinese herbal formulas are prescribed to enhance the therapeutic effects of treatment.

Service Fees

Initial consultation and treatment (allow 90 minutes): $150.

Follow up consultation and treatment (allow 60 minutes): $120.

HICAPS facilities are available for immediate private health fund claims for acupuncture appointments.

Our location—

New Farm Wellness Centre
187 James St
New Farm